US+2sDay A Tradition

Grandboogie has been asking TwinPop to put the twins in an outfit that her father wore when he was their age.  To give some perspective this handmade outfit is 101 years old!  The outfit proudly hangs in Grandboogie's home now accompanied by photos of my to little guys in their Great Grand Father's outfit. If you want to see more pictures like these visit the flickr gallery at this link:GGJ's Outfit REMEMBER THIS BLOG IS FUELED BY COMMENTS. IF YOU VISITED IT PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT. WE HAVE TWO POSTS THIS WEEK MAKE SURE TO VISIT BOTH!

US+2sDay Alligator Farm Visit

I insisted that we would never pay to see Alligators.  After numerous friends told us what a good place the Alligator Farm is we decided to give it a try. I am glad we did.  The kids and their parents had a good time. If you want to see the full gallery of our visit please click on this link: Alligator Farm REMEMBER THIS BLOG IS FUELD BY COMMENTS. IF YOU VISITED IT PLEASE LEAVE A COMMENT.