April 13th, 2009 — family, Trip, twins
For those of you that have visited this site only to find old posts I am sorry. A lot has transpired over the past few weeks and the blog took a break. Please note that there are four new posts. The next one down is a don't miss. SuperNanny had her baby and she is a real cutie! After missing out on most of the Christmas holiday happenings due to our medical drama, we made up for it at Easter. Saturday kicked things off with a family celebration at TwinMom's cousins home in Orlando. All of the FL crowd converged and we had a blast. There were 6 kids all under 5 years old! Easter morning we went to church and then hosted TwinPop's Mom (Common Tater, Grandboogie). The kids opened their baskets and Grandboogie brought a cake that we are really enjoying. It was then time for a quick nap and off to our friends home for Easter Dinner and another egg hunt. We finished things off by watching the end of the Masters. Thanks to Jake and Kremsa and Randall and Andrea for hostings such fun parties. We really enjoyed getting together with our family and friends. On a side note, I have created a Flickr Pro account which allows me to post a lot of photos online for sharing. In the next week or so I will post a link so that anyone wising to see beyond the few select photos on the blog may.
January 6th, 2009 — family, Photos
Happy New Year!! This has been an eventful week. We said goodbye to 2008 with our friends Randall and Andrea. As always Andrea did a great job of hosting and preparing a feast. Our mutual friends Kim and Jason and their kids were also there to ring in the new year. Wii were in for a surprise. Both of the other families had Wii games in their homes. After the kids went to bed we were thoroughly entertained by Wii activities. We had a blast and now are shopping for the Wii game. On New Years Day we had our family over for a traditional southern meal filled with all of the makings of good luck. My Mom cooked up some black eyed peas, and mustard greens. TwinMom did the rest. FunUncle surprised us all with the news of an impending wedding. By the end of the month he will be hitched. The photos below are of our family gathering:
(Click on pictures to enlarge)
FunUncle and Leigh
New Years Meal
Mr. H
Our precious Kate was supposed to have her stint removed this week but we just got news that it will be delayed. She has developed a bad rash and the Dr wants to be careful trying to ward off any infection during this procedure. This week we were pleasantly surprised to get this wonderful arrangement from our church. We really feel the prayers and love. Thanks!!
Flowers for Kate
Comments are the fuel that powers this blog! If you visited please let us know. Thanks and Happy New Year!
December 2nd, 2008 — family, Photos
We have so much to be thankful for! We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. Pepe and Grandma came up to celebrate with us. We also celebrated their anniversary. On thanksgiving day we had a visit from friends. Grandboogie outdid herself and came over with her wonderful stuffing! She even managed to cook up some extra good turnip greens! That made TwinPop very happy (and full)! FunUncle came over with the pies and earned a few extra points with Mr H! By time it was all over we were stuffed but thankful! Now it is time to get ready for Christmas.
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Thanksgiving Photos
July 8th, 2008 — Photos, twins
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We had a blast this week. It all started off with Mom's Birthday and it went way beyond the last fireworks. We all went out for dinner on Mom's Birthday. The next day
Grandma and Pepe arrived. They showered us with gifts and even brought a few for Mom. On Thursday
Aunt Heather and Cousin Carter arrived and the fun began! Mom had a second birthday party complete with homemade chocolate cake. We had a lot of fun with our big Cousin Carter. We played with all of our stuff, read books and we even swam in the pool and the ocean. Cousin Carter sure is a brave guy he went down the slide at the pool a bunch of times! Pepe took us out to eat on the 4th. We got to stay up late for the fireworks.
What an Independence Day! The next day we took Grandma and Pepe out for Dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. What a time we had. The nice folks at the restaurant gave Mom a drink with salt and lime and everybody clapped and sang. Best of all we got to wear these big funny hats.
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