June 3rd, 2009 — family, Photos, Trip, twins
A few weeks ago we went to Daytona to visit Pepe and Grandma. We had a blast. Pepe and Grandma made all of the plans and we showed up for the fun! We had a lot of time poolside and at the beach. Pepe rented a golf cart and we drove up and down the beach. When we napped Dad visited his Aunt Eleanor. We found a great place for Ice Cream.....We shall return!
March 2nd, 2009 — family, Photos, twins, Uncategorized
What a great weekend we had. Our week started off a little rough. We along with the rest of our class came down with the crud (on our birthday week...ugh). By Friday we were ready to party. And party we did. Grandma aka the original birthday girl came up with Pepe. They showered us with gifts and told us tales of their visit to China. We don't get to see much TV but when we do we watch Blues Clues. Mom, Dad and SuperNanny surprised us with a Blues Clues Birthday Party. A bunch of our friends helped us celebrate the big day. We played on the playground, decorated cookies and opened gifts. What a great birthday. We were so worn out that we gave Mom, Dad, Grandma and Pepe a night out to celebrate Grandma's Birthday. They said they had a good time too.
November 4th, 2008 — Photos, Trip
We are sorry that this post is a week late. We had so much fun last week that we could not get it together for a posing last week.
What a weekend we had! After months of planning for a visit to one of the theme parks we decided on a trip to Sea World. Because big cousin Carter had a good time at their age we figured our guys were ready for the adventure. Pepe and Grandma were our event planners. What a job they did! Pepe secured a wonderful hotel through priceline. There was plenty of room for the kids to move about between the two adjoining rooms. On Saturday morning we woke to rain but decided to give it a go. The sky's cleared and we had a wonderful day. Uncle Mel, Aunt Heather and Cousin Carter joined us for the fun. We finished off our day with a nice family meal at a neaby restaurant. On Sunday morning we were able to get a late check out. This allowed the kids to wander around the resort grounds and play on their playground.
We finished off our weekend by having dinner with a dear friend from out of town. Elizabeth and Tom spent some time with Grandboogie after attending a family funeral. Granboogie got us all together and we had a nice meal. It was good to renew old frienships and make new ones!
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July 8th, 2008 — Photos, twins
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We had a blast this week. It all started off with Mom's Birthday and it went way beyond the last fireworks. We all went out for dinner on Mom's Birthday. The next day
Grandma and Pepe arrived. They showered us with gifts and even brought a few for Mom. On Thursday
Aunt Heather and Cousin Carter arrived and the fun began! Mom had a second birthday party complete with homemade chocolate cake. We had a lot of fun with our big Cousin Carter. We played with all of our stuff, read books and we even swam in the pool and the ocean. Cousin Carter sure is a brave guy he went down the slide at the pool a bunch of times! Pepe took us out to eat on the 4th. We got to stay up late for the fireworks.
What an Independence Day! The next day we took Grandma and Pepe out for Dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. What a time we had. The nice folks at the restaurant gave Mom a drink with salt and lime and everybody clapped and sang. Best of all we got to wear these big funny hats.
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