US+2sDay A fun couple of Weeks
June 23rd, 2009 — Photos, twins, Uncategorized
We have been busy, but we are having fun with all of our activities this summer. We have taken a liking to art, in addition to gym and now swim classes. Today we had our first swim to follow next week. We conspired with SuperNanny II to visit Dad at his office but he went AWOL, so we snuck up on him at lunch for an early Father's Day surprise. That evening we went over to GrandBoogie's home to celebrate FunUncle's 42nd Birthday. We had fun with our cousins and loved playing with Dad's old toys and eating the ice cream cake. After 2 months we were raring to go to see Miss Tina (the original SuperNanny) and baby Julia. We hit it off just like old times. What a blast we had. Mom and Dad say that Miss Julia is a real cutie. We think she is quite cool! We really had a good time. It was fun to visit. After our visit to Miss Tina's home we were tuckered out, but the fun was not over for the day. We went to dinner and then "Lighting McQueen" (aka Mr H. ) and Dad went go cart racing. They like to go fast. We had a relaxing Fathers day that included church in the morning, swimming and gifts for Dad. Mr H and Dad got matching swim trunks. We hope you enjoy the photos!
US+2sDay FunUncle is off the Market
January 26th, 2009 — family, Photos
FunUncle’s Road Trip 2008
September 3rd, 2008 — family, Trip
FunUncle & the Cousins went on a road trip last month. What a time they had! They loaded up the Corolla (no eating or drinking allowed in the car) and headed north. By the time it was over they made it to: Washington D C, Philly, NY NY, Niagra Falls, Gettysburgh, & the Biltmore.
US+2sDay June 24, 2008
June 24th, 2008 — twins
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FunUncle turned 41 last week. Grandma had a real nice birthday party for him. Dad said that that FunUncle is getting old. FunUncle reminded Dad that he is older. Oh well, we all had a blast. Grandma cooked our favorite-Spaghetti and Meatballs, and for desert we had an Ice Cream Cake from Carvel. FunUncle could not fit all of his Spaghetti on his plate so he used his charger.....that's why he is FunUncle. We learned a new word this week...."please". Continue reading →