US+2sDay A new tooth & swinging
July 20th, 2009 — family, Photos, twins
On Wednesday Mr. H got his new tooth. Mom & Dad were scared but Mr. H pulled through like a champ. Thanks for the new tooth Grandboogie! Now if Mom & Dad can keep Mr H from taking another face dive. We convinced Dad to push us on our swings this weekend. As the photos show it was a bunchof fun. Princess has a way of showing her displeasure when the fun stops....oh the terrific twos!
US+2sDay Art Festival
July 13th, 2009 — Photos, twins
A couple of months ago our city started hosting a weekly art festival. We finally visited it this past weekend. Highlights included live music, a belly dancer just for Kate, Beignets (or as Grandpa used to kid the waiters in New Orleans and say: "Big Nets"), and of course a lot of local art and fresh produce.
We have learned that 2 yr olds need to burn off a lot of energy. After naps we set them loose on the backyard. Notice Mr. H's fall and quick recovery. The backyard photos were taken with Karen's new camera using a telephoto lens.
US+2sDay The Birthday Wrap-Up!
July 6th, 2009 — family, Photos, twins
On Wednesday Mom had her last birthday in her 30's. To kick off the day Mr. H fell on his face and broke a front tooth. He will be ok. Mom did some therapy by getting a manicure. For dinner we celebrated at the Mellow Mushroom a pizza restaurant. SuperNanny II helped us get cupcakes to celebrate with Mom. Mom opened some gifts and we ate the cupcakes.
The next day Grandma and Pepe came to our house to help Mom celebrate. That evening Uncle Mel, Aunt Heather and Cousin Carter arrived for the celebration. We had a nice family meal followed by gifts. Cousin Carter scored a pair of alligator crocs just like ours!
Friday started with a home cooked breakfast, compliments of Aunt Heather. Then we were off to the club for swimming. Cousin Carter sure is brave. He wore out the slide at the pool. After naps we cleaned up and headed out for a Fiesta at our local Mexican Restaurant. A birthday celebration would not be complete without Sombreros and Tequila. We tried to get in some racing at the gokart track but were rained out. We played in the rain and had a blast. That night we ate Mom's one day old cake.
July 4th started with another home cooked meal followed by some fun at the GoKart track. Even Mom and Aunt Heather gave it a whirl. We did some swimming at the pool and then said goodbye to Aunt Heather, Uncle Mel and Cousin Carter. That night we helped Dad cook up the Hamburgers on his Dad's grill. The night went out with a bang as we watched fireworks.
On Sunday we went to church, swam at the pool and had a picnic lunch. That evening Grandma surprised us with a meal of crab and shrimp.....Yummy! As you can see Mom does not just have a birthday she has a birth extended weekend! We can't wait to do it again next year when Mom celebrates her first anniversary of her 39th birthday.