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US+2sDay The Purple Cows
March 16th, 2010 — Photos, twins, Uncategorized
Worth a thousand words:
We came home from preschool with this artwork and the accompanying smiles this week.
US+2sDay On the Mend
March 8th, 2010 — Photos, twins
On Thursday our Princess woke up sick. For the next day she was running a fever. Not to be left out, Mr H took sick on Friday afternoon. We spent the weekend locked up nursing two sick kids back to good health. Fortunately they are on the mend and are feeling better.
US+2sDay Birthday Edition
March 2nd, 2010 — family, Photos, Trip, twins
The birthday celebrations started on Thursday and went the whole way through Sunday. On Thursday we celebrated at school. Never one to miss a party Miss Tina and Baby Julia threw a cheeseburger and cupcake party for us on Friday. Friday night we took a road trip in the Nanny Van to Orlando. We stayed at the Shades of Green hotel. The next morning we went to the Magic Kingdom and met up with Cousin Carter, Aunt Heather and Uncle Mel. It rained in the morning but it did not dampen our spirits. On Sunday we had a family breakfast before departing. Carter gave us cool birthday gifts! After we took our naps we went to the Mexican restaurant and they sang "happy birthday" to us and put sombrero's on our heads. Finally it was a cupcake birthday party at home! What a blast!
US+2sDay Guest Celebrity
February 23rd, 2010 — Photos