US+2sDay April in One Blog Post!

Well TwinPop fell down on his sword but he is back and blogging!  What a busy month we have had. Projects at work and a bunch of fun stuff in between have kept us hopping! The recap:
  • Easter Saturday with family in Orlando.
  • Easter Sunday with family in our hometown.
  • Baby Julia turned one and we partied like it is 2010!
  • Uncle Mel turned 40 and we partied like it was 1970!
  • GrandBoogie celebrated another anniversary of her 39th Birthday but did not want to party.
  • Baby Faith is Baptized and we partied some more at Sweet Tomatoes.
Party on! Enjoy the photos, if you wish a link to our entire month of photos is posted at the end of this blog it is the Flickr photo page that TwinPop keeps of our family. Click Here for our April Photos on Flickr


#1 Boggie, Sr. on 04.27.10 at 11:52 am

How blessed we have been to have such great weather for ALL of the special events! “Common Tater” could go on and on if she’d comment on every photo, but the photos (all) deeply touched me. Thanks for sharing!

#2 SuperNanny on 04.28.10 at 10:33 am

Glad to see you back TwinPop!! We all know how hard it is to manage a blog, family, and work all at the same time. We really appreciate your posts each week. Thanks!! 🙂 🙂

#3 M. SALEM on 04.28.10 at 2:59 pm

Happy birthdays: Baby Julia, Mel, and Grand Boogie.
Fun; three birthdays in one time!

Here is a story of birthday cakes:
“Gathered with friends every weekend in restaurant in Jacksonville; there we used to joking with the waitress, every time we were there, we asked to bring us birthday cake; every weekend day with a different
new friend celebrates birthday. Waitress knew we were only kidding, but the restaurant suddenly closed; it ran out of birthday cakes!!!”

Touchy photos; we all appreciate the hard works of posting; remain forever.

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