US+2sDay Hoops

Mom was sick with the flu this week.  Thankfully, she is better now.  Since Dad only knows how to make beer and chips he asked SuperNanny to cook dinner for us.  SuperNanny let us make pizza one night. We had fun and it was good! On Friday we took Dad to  our school for donuts. We saw Jackson Deville the Jaguar Mascot but we did not want to get our picture taken with him. On Saturday we got the new basketball hoop Mom and Dad promised Mr H. Mr H was a thumb sucker but quit after Mom and Dad applied the icky stuff that the dentist gave to them to put on his thumb.  Mom promised him a hoop if he would keep the thumb out of the mouth.  Bribery worked! The last three pictures are of our princess.  She is already scaring Dad. She has inherited the shopping gene from Mom's side of the family. Scary on the pocket book.