US+2sDay 2 Candles

What a great weekend we had. Our week started off a little rough. We along with the rest of our class came down with the crud (on our birthday week...ugh).  By Friday we were ready to party.  And party we did. Grandma aka the original birthday girl came up with Pepe.  They showered us with gifts and told us tales of their visit to China.  We don't get to see much TV but when we do we watch Blues Clues.  Mom, Dad and SuperNanny surprised us with a Blues Clues Birthday Party.  A bunch of our friends helped us celebrate the big day.  We played on the playground, decorated cookies and opened gifts.  What a great birthday.  We were so worn out that we gave Mom, Dad, Grandma and Pepe a night out to celebrate Grandma's Birthday. They said they had a good time too.