US+2sDay Counting Blessings

I learned a few things this past week.  Academically, I learned a bunch about the income approach to real estate valuation. I was up early, down late and busy in between. Needless to say my brain still hurts from all of the studying and instruction.  I am thankful that I was able to take this course and further my professional education.  Outside of the classroom I learned a bigger lesson. It is the lesson of counting my blessings.  This was the first time that I was away from my family for any amount of time since the birth of the twins.  To say I missed them and their mother would be an understatement.  I am trully blessed to have a loving wife and kids.  Having come from a Navy background both as navy-junior and as an Officer, I thought I understood separation. I used to think that my buddies that complained about missing family were being dramatic. No more. I have a new found respect for those who answer the call of duty and must endure separation for periods much longer than my absence. I also have a new respect for those that are left behind. My mother raised us by herself when my brother was an infant and I was not yet 5 years old. Mom I count you as a blessing and always appreciate your prayers.


The twins are growing and developing in leaps and bounds.  Our princess has acquired quite a vocabulary.  She is a "parrot" for most anything that we say (TwinPop is trying to wean himself of a language that only sailors can appreciate). In addition to her new vocabulary she has started experimenting with tantrums.  TwinPop and TwinMom are doing our best to make this a failed experiment (Pray for us, patience is a virtue). Meanwhile Mr. H seems very content with his own language. He picks up on things quickly and has a few monosyllabic words so we are not too concerned with his development. Lately he has decided that he should emphasise his points. To do this he carries on a little "two minute drill" in which he looks at you and speaks in his own language with facial gestures, hand gestures, and appropriate pauses for our comprehension. You can't help but laugh when he is in action.


After a bout with dry sockets as a result of her dental work our SuperNanny is pain free. Even with the pain SuperNanny was able to snap photos and send them to me this past week.  What a blessing to have her in our lives.

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Our Week

The picture you see above is the first photo of a slide show. Put your mouse over the photo to select and navigate through the slideshow.

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#1 SuperNanny on 08.05.08 at 2:48 pm

Every day there is something new and exciting with the twins. There isn’t a day where I don’t want to get up to come to work. Your family is a blessing to me and I look forward to watching the kids grow, tantrums and all 🙂

Also, thank you for keeping me in your prayers during my dental drama, it meant a lot to me!


#2 Boogie on 08.05.08 at 3:15 pm

Aunt Heather needs a nickname such as “Fun Uncle” has! I’ll be praying for her and hoping the new job meets her expectations. The slide show this week more than made up for the lack of photos last week. That Super Nanny knows how to click that camera! Sorry about the dry socket. That, too, I endured–double ouch! Thanks for the compliments on my attempts at child rearing. Love, Boogie, Sr.

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