
TwinPop writing! To try to get a rythm in the blogging world we will attempt to have a weekly post, appropriately titled US+2sday. Here is our first attempt at sharing our life on a weekly basis. We hope you enjoy! When you are cool the sun is always shining!  When we decided to take these guys to the beach we headed to Target first. Twin A, our Princess loved her sunglasses so much that she wore them with the tag still on as we pushed her through the store in the shopping cart. Needless to say, she had quite a few folks giggling before we made it to the check out line. PRINCESS VISITS THE BEAUTICIAN: MOM,I don't want to get my haircut!   TwinMom and SuperNanny finally were at wits end with the wild hair that the princess was sporting each morning. It was time to take action.  Maybe a little too soon on TwinMom's account....Princess looked like she visited a chop shop after TwinMoms handywork with the scissors. Needless to say a little time and a visit to the beauty salon and our Princess was a new lady. At first the Princess did not like getting her hair cut, but by the end she was asking for styling tips.