US+2sDay 38 Candles!
July 1st, 2008 — Photos, twins
TwinMom is another year older! Happy Birthday! We love you!
Please wish our Mom a Happy Birthday! It is easy, just leave a comment below.
US+2sDay June 24, 2008
June 24th, 2008 — twins
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FunUncle turned 41 last week. Grandma had a real nice birthday party for him. Dad said that that FunUncle is getting old. FunUncle reminded Dad that he is older. Oh well, we all had a blast. Grandma cooked our favorite-Spaghetti and Meatballs, and for desert we had an Ice Cream Cake from Carvel. FunUncle could not fit all of his Spaghetti on his plate so he used his charger.....that's why he is FunUncle. We learned a new word this week...."please". Continue reading →
Our First 15 Months
June 2nd, 2008 — Photos, twins