US+2sDay SuperNanny Had A Birthday

SuperNanny celebrated another anniversary of her 29th Birthday. We helped her open presents. What fun! We love you SuperNanny!

US+2sDay Holding Hands

Mom is away at school in Atlanta.  That makes us sad! SuperNanny said that if we hold hands it might make us feel better. She was right!

US+2sDay FunUncle is off the Market

FunUncle spun in! These Pictures are proof. Welcome to the family Leigh! img_0043img_0042

US+2sDay Inauguration Day

The "family blog" is taking a rest today as the blog master is under the weather. On this historic day our family is thankful to be Americans.  The peaceful transition of power remains awe inspiring. What a great country. To the Bush family we wish  Godspeed. To our new Commander in Chief and his family we salute you and offer you our prayers.