US+2sDay Dad’s Little Race Fan

Mr H has started to watch the NASCAR races with Dad. He even has taken a liking to the Dale Earnhardt hat. I could not pry it off his head on Saturday. On Sunday Grandma came over to watch the Daytona 500. We shared our snacks with her.

US+2sDay Princess on the Mend

Last Thursday our Princess went under the knife again. This time to remove the stint that was inserted in December. This procedure was delayed twice due to severe rashes.  We are happy to report that she came through like a champ and is keeping her parents and brother busy chasing her around the house.   We want to thank everyone who has kept her and our family in your thoughts and prayers. They are appreciated!

Time Out

Compliments of SuperNanny:
Time Out

Time Out


For the past few months Mom has studied hard to take a test for work.  Today she took her test. SHE PASSED!!! We are proud of our smart Mom.