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An Apology and A Bunch of Posts
June 3rd, 2009 — Uncategorized
If the paper only showed up once a month I would cancel delivery. I hope that you don't have the same outlook with the blog. I never realized how hectic it would be to herd cats....I mean chase 2 year old twins and run a blog. TwinPop has been delenquint in posting the happenings of our family. He will try to do better. The three posts below are of our recent vaction to Destin, some fun in the rain and a mini vacation to Daytona. Thanks for sticking in there with us!
US+2sDay A Bunch of Photos
April 21st, 2009 — Uncategorized
What a happy little man! A lot of our blog viewers note that Mr H is quite stoic. When he wants to turn it on he can light up a room. I am now posting most of our pictures on flickr. The links will allow you to see more photos than I normally post on this blog. This blog will continue to have photos. For the sake of those that want to see more photos I thought that this would be a way of sharing. This was an action packed week. SuperNanny 2 took the kids to a gym for little guys. They had a blast.
To see the gym photos please select this link: Gym Time
After the gym we had snacks on the patio: Snack Time
If you have not visited this blog in a while please take a look around. We have a lot of new posts. Make sure to see the next post as GrandBoogie had a Big Birthday yesterday!
Bye Bye SuperNanny and Our Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt
April 13th, 2009 — Uncategorized
SuperNanny got a stomach virus and so we decided that she should stop work a little earlier than we all planned on. SuperNanny 2 was able to start early so all is working out fine. The kids miss SuperNanny but really are having fun SuperNanny 2! We are blessed to have these two wonderful ladies in our lives. The following pictures were from our Neighborhood Easter Egg Hunt and SuperNanny's visit to give the kids Easter Goodies!
US+2sDay A Good Reason to Be Optimistic
March 10th, 2009 — Photos, Uncategorized
Yesterday we went to the Doctor for Kate's 3 month post surgery visit. Based on the way she had been acting and growing we were optimistic that things were going well for her. While her Doctor would not say we are out of the woods yet, he gave us reason to be optimistic. To all of you that have been praying for her we thank you. We will have to go back in 3 months for more tests. In the interim we will go on with life and stay positive that she will have a full recovery.