US+2sDay Halloween 2010

What a fun week. On Friday our school had it's annual Halloween parade. Even the teachers dressed up! On Sunday we dressed up like a Pirate and Princess. Mom handed out the candy to and Dad took us trick or treating. We got a lot of candy! How fun! If you want to see all of our pictures please visit Dad's flickr page at:


#1 M. SALEM on 11.02.10 at 1:59 pm

I am glad Henry survived fine walking in the parade
with only one eye!. I could see the Trick-or- treating
basket is full of candy; surely, there will plentiful
candy for few months to offer to guest with their
cups of coffee; no extra candy shopping!.
Thanks for sharing; these are pretty parade
and neighborhood pictures.

#2 Grandboogie on 11.04.10 at 9:38 am

As an “experienced” Grandboogie, I know EXACTLY why Twin Mom and Twin Pop put an eye patch on Mr. H. That’s so that he got only HALF as much candy as the Princess. However, there’s no doubt that she’d “rake in” on candy that night with that gorgeous smile she has. It melts ice bergs! Glad that your family had so much fun. Just wait until next year–bigger and better, I’d guess!

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