Entries from July 2008 ↓
July 15th, 2008 — Photos, twins
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We love our SuperNanny. Last week she took us out to play. She thought it was time for us to experience the better things in life. After we played she took us to McDonalds for hamburgers and ice cream cones. We loved it!
Thanks SuperNanny!
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July 8th, 2008 — Photos, twins
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We had a blast this week. It all started off with Mom's Birthday and it went way beyond the last fireworks. We all went out for dinner on Mom's Birthday. The next day
Grandma and Pepe arrived. They showered us with gifts and even brought a few for Mom. On Thursday
Aunt Heather and Cousin Carter arrived and the fun began! Mom had a second birthday party complete with homemade chocolate cake. We had a lot of fun with our big Cousin Carter. We played with all of our stuff, read books and we even swam in the pool and the ocean. Cousin Carter sure is a brave guy he went down the slide at the pool a bunch of times! Pepe took us out to eat on the 4th. We got to stay up late for the fireworks.
What an Independence Day! The next day we took Grandma and Pepe out for Dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant. What a time we had. The nice folks at the restaurant gave Mom a drink with salt and lime and everybody clapped and sang. Best of all we got to wear these big funny hats.
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July 1st, 2008 — Photos, twins
TwinMom is another year older! Happy Birthday! We love you!
Please wish our Mom a Happy Birthday! It is easy, just leave a comment below.