US+2sDay Picnic Time
July 22nd, 2008 | Photos, twins
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We love going out for picnics in the park. Last week was very rainy in our corner of the world. We were lucky to get a few moments in the sun for our picnic. Mom and Dad like to take us out on walks in the evening before we go to bed. We only got out a couple of times last week because of the evening rain showers. One time last week they took us out thinking that the rain was over. About ten minutes into the walk the sky opened up and we all got wet. Now they really check the sky before we leave!
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All right, little lady! It’s time that you and Grandma had a talk. What’s all of this about making sure your brother gets to eat and drink? Now’s the time to get rid of the “servitude attitude,” or that little rascal brother of yours will have you waiting on him hand and foot! These men! They surely learn at an early age that they’re the “Big Cheese”! Love both of you LOTS, Grandma B.
I like the way you did this entry! 🙂
They are so precious. It’s amazing how much they share. They certainly had a good time with the bubbles. It appears Kate likes to eat them. Thanks for sharing these with us.
Love Mom and Dad
You have beautiful children. The smiles on their faces tell how they are being raised. God bless them and all that have the pleasure of meeting them.
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