Entries from July 2008 ↓
US+2sDay on Wednesday
July 30th, 2008 — family
TwinPop is away at school. The regular posts will be back next week.
To my family:
Although my head is in the books, my heart is with you. I love you all very much and miss you.
SuperNanny Visits the Dentist
July 25th, 2008 — Photos, twins
Today our SuperNanny had her wisdom teeth removed. We really miss her. We hope that you start to feel better soon, SuperNanny. We love you!
Click the photo to enlarge
US+2sDay Picnic Time
July 22nd, 2008 — Photos, twins
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We love going out for picnics in the park. Last week was very rainy in our corner of the world. We were lucky to get a few moments in the sun for our picnic. Mom and Dad like to take us out on walks in the evening before we go to bed. We only got out a couple of times last week because of the evening rain showers. One time last week they took us out thinking that the rain was over. About ten minutes into the walk the sky opened up and we all got wet. Now they really check the sky before we leave!
Click your mouse on the photos to make them expand and shrink. We love to get comments. If you liked the post please leave a comment.

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July 19th, 2008 — twins, Video
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SuperNanny bought a bubble machine. We had a great time playing with the bubbles. This is a video of us having fun in the bubbles. We hope that you have as much fun watching this video as we had making it. Thanks SuperNanny!
[flashvideo filename=wp-content/video/Bubbles.flv /]
Bubbles Video